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At IMPACTfolio®, we believe that sustainability is not optional.

It’s not a niche investment strategy that we offer clients if they are “into that kind of thing.” It is core to our investment philosophy and what we believe is the only way to properly manage money for the best long-term results.

Financial Planning and Impact Investing for a flat, annual retainer fee.

We serve clients in Denver and the surrounding area with in-person meetings and our clients nationwide virtually with video meetings.


1) Create your IMPACT portfolio

We manage two different types of portfolios: core and explore. The core portfolios have models which vary based on risk level. The explore portfolios are tactical and seek to capitalize on market conditions and valuations.  They leverage tools to respond to changing markets and look for indicators of relative strength.


2) Create a holistic financial plan

Holistic financial planning gathers all the pieces of your financial puzzle to create a roadmap for your financial future. Depending on your situation and goals, financial planning could include goal planning, cash flow planning, retirement planning, Social Security analysis, income tax planning, risk management, education planning, investment consultation for employer retirement plans, and estate planning.

We start with what we call the 3 P's:




Planet means taking into account environmental concerns like carbon gas emissions, pollution, and water scarcity. It also involves seeking out companies that are utilizing renewable energy and innovating to create better ways of caring for the environment.



People pertains to how a company is affecting its customers, employees, and those in the local community. It means considering the social impact in terms of factors such as human rights, working conditions, equal employment opportunities, and child labor.



Profit involves the evaluation of a company’s corporate governance. This includes things like executive compensation, corporate accounting practices, board independence, and shareholder rights. The link to profit here is the understanding that a company’s culture, leadership, and governance are leading indicators of how a company will perform over the long term.

By combining the “3 P’s” we offer a portfolio construction process that helps to screen out bad investments, proactively identify great opportunities, and allow you to invest with purpose. It’s a formula to maximize IMPACT.
