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Impact Investing and Financial Planning Blog

Denver, Colorado

IMPACTfolio is Carbon Neutral! Thumbnail

IMPACTfolio is Carbon Neutral!

On December 2, 2020, the team at IMPACTfolio purchased 9,000 pounds of carbon offsets through Aclymate to make our firm officially carbon neutral for the 2020 calendar year. Aclymate is a tool that calculates your firm's climate footprint by reviewing expenditures on travel, office space, utilities, etc. Upon review, our firm was found to have a very small carbon footprint given our efficiencies in leveraging technology. However, the carbon offset that we purchased helped to fully offset our small footprint.

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How Do Presidential Elections Impact the Stock Markets? Thumbnail

How Do Presidential Elections Impact the Stock Markets?

Whether you are following the 2020 Election on CNN or Fox News, the media coverage feels like a game show and the counts seem to drag on and on. The team at IMPACTfolio is watching the stock markets closely in preparation to answer any client questions about their portfolio. Recently we shared a webinar discussing how presidential elections affect the stock markets and wanted to provide additional insight.

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Be Alert - Fraud is On the Rise Thumbnail

Be Alert - Fraud is On the Rise

Throughout this difficult year, the safety and security of your personal information and assets has remained our highest priority. As part of our commitment, it’s important to know that fraudsters are using these difficult times, and everyone’s focus on the election and holiday season, as an opportunity for increased schemes and criminal activity.

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How has COVID-19 affected IMPACTfolio? Thumbnail

How has COVID-19 affected IMPACTfolio?

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world and affected everyone. Two of the partners at IMPACTfolio, Rebecca Kennedy, CFP® and Scott Arnold, CFP®, were recently interviewed by David Edstrom of Panoramix Financial.

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